
“做足准备 将通胀转化成机会” 研讨会


  为助您解决此问题,易宝动力信息有限公司现诚邀您出席2011年3月30日举办的研讨会,向您展示如何利用具成本效益的方案 - 计算机电话集成系统(CTI)助您于同业当中利用优秀的服务突出自己。

In today’s changing market, enterprises face much more challenges. The aggregate effect of raising payroll, raw materials, energy and rental is awesome, leading to slow business growth. The only way to outperform is to make good control on the cost, on the other hand, to retain your loyal customers for bringing continuous profit.

Research shows that around 40% to 68% of customers switch their loyalty from one company to another, primarily is because of a perceived attitude of indifference on the part of the service provider, i.e. vast majority leave because of poor customer service as customers enjoy much more choices than ever before. Many firms in Hong Kong are making progress in improving customer services.

However, what strategy should management adopt to ensure superior services quality at reasonable operation cost?

To help you differentiate yourself from competitors through service via cost-effective media – CTI Solution, Epro Techsoft Ltd, invites you to our seminar on 30th March, 2011, showing how WISE-xb can help.

Seminar Agenda:

2:30 - 2:40PM - Registration
2:40 - 3:40PM - Illustrate how an cost-effective
         call center boost customer
         loyalty and profitability
3:40 - 3:55PM - Tea Break
3:55 - 4:45PM - Case Study and Q&A
4:45 - 4:50PM - Lucky Draw
4:50PM - End

All Seminar Attendants can enter into our Lucky Draw and win an ipad!!

Event Information

Date: 30 March 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 – 5:00 p.m.


Function Room I The Executive Centre Level 23, One Island East 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong

Admission: Free
Target Audience: Decision Makers, IT, Operation Mangers, CS & Marketing Specialists
Language:  Cantonese with English terminology



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