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The 3C Method Certified* Training Program


  How to build the business case for CRM-and then make it happen!

  An intensive, interactive one-day certified training program that will equip you with practical know-how, tips and tools to increase revenues and profits by improving Customer Relationship Management processes and programs within your company. 集中的,交互式的认证培训可以让你真正的了解怎样使用方法提升公司的客户关系管理程序和计划以增加收益。

Who should attend 适合对象:

  This program should be attended by CEO's and/or the sales, marketing, and service managers who want to understand, introduce and implement customer relationship management (CRM) that really pays off. 这个培训项目适合那些想理解,引进并实施可以盈利的客户关系管理的CEO,销售、营销和服务经理们。

Program Benefits 从培训项目中可获得:

  At the end of this program, you will be equipped to在项目培训结束时,你可以得到:

  • boost revenues 10% and up to 100% without increasing marketing and sales budgets. 在不增加营销和销售预算的前提下,增加10%到100%的收入。

  • cut costs and eliminate waste in marketing, sales and service budgets减少在营销、销售和服务预算中的费用和浪费

  • measure, manage and improve衡量、管理和提升

  •   · customer profitability and ROI on CRM projects and processes CRM项目和程序中的客户盈利能力和ROI
      · customer purchasing behaviour and loyalty客户购买行为和忠诚度
      · customer satisfaction and willingness to buy even more 客户满意度和进一步购买的愿望

  • measure, manage and improve the customer orientation of衡量、管理和提升

  •   · managers and staff across the board. 管理者和全体员工
      · customer information systems客户信息系统
      · communications with your customer与客户的交流

  • stimulate closer cooperation and synergy among the marketing, sales and service departments 刺激在营销、销售和服务部门之间进一步的协作与配合

  • Program Coverage 培训项目包括:

      · How to make and use a "Customer Pyramid" and "Migration Matrix" to better understand your customers: where they are, where they come from, where they are going 怎样使用"客户金字塔"和"移动矩阵"更好的理解你们的客户:他们在哪里,来自哪里,将要去哪里
      · How to use Customer Based Accounting to measure, manage and increase 怎样使用Customer Based Accounting去衡量、管理和提升
      · Profit per customer 每个客户的收益
      · Return on your marketing and sales investments 你的营销和销售投资的回报
      · How to increase customer focus inside your company, from the boardroom to the mailroom 怎样增加客户对你们公司的关注程度,从会议室到邮件处理室。
      · How to meet "top-down" business goals by making "bottom-up" targets for each and every one of your customers and prospects 怎样为每一个现有的和潜在客户制定从"从底至上"的计划,达到"从上至下"的商业目标
      · How to make a contact plan for each customer, using the most effective method at the lowest cost per contact怎样使用最有效的方法制定每个客户的接触计划,而每个接触花费最少的费用
      · How to form "customer teams" to improve cooperation and efficiency among marketing, sales and service怎样建立"客户小组"来提高营销、销售和服务中的合作与效率
      · How to introduce CRM in your company 怎样把CRM引入你的公司

    Award of Certificate 证书授予

      Certificates will be awarded to participants who have attended one full day of the program and pass the written test
    证书将授予完成一天全部培训内容以及通过笔试的参加者 *Certificate to be awarded by Customer Marketing Institute and GreaterChinaCRM 由客户营销机构(CMI)和GreaterChinaCRM联合发放证书

    Language Medium 语言

      Mandarin (supplemented with English on key terms and explanations) 普通话(关键术语和解释辅以英语)
      Course Manual will be in English & Chinese 中英文课程手册

    Fee (luncheon included) 费用(包括午餐)

      @RMB4,150 (USD500) 4,150人民币(500美元)
      @RMB3,735 (USD450) for 3 or more registrations per company 3,735人民币(450美元)三人或三人以上同一机构联合报名

    Dates and Time 时间

    Friday 星期五
    27 June 2003 2003年6月27日
    9:00am - 6:00pm 上午9时至下午6时

    Venue 地点
      Shanghai SPACE: 38/F, Central Plaza, Shanghai, PRC
    上海香港大学--复旦大学专业继续教育学院: 上海淮海中路中环广场38层.

    Program Agenda 培训计划

    Morning Session 上午

    · Welcome Training Objectives and Getting Acquainted
    · 3C Method Overview and how it can improve profits and continuity
    · Measuring and Managing Customer Performance (Customer Value, Customer Behaviour, Customer Satisfaction) 衡量和管理客户表现(客户价值、客户行为和客户满意度)
    · Measuring and Managing Customer Focus (Organization, Communications, Information)
    · Customer Focus Self-Assessment Workshop

    Afternoon Session 下午

    · Customer Interviews: how to measure customer satisfaction and make money at the same time
    · Customer Teams: how different departments can work together to improve customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction-and cut costs
    · Model Projects: how to set up a model project to learn how to apply 3CMethod without a lot of wasted time and money
    · Customer Focus Self-Assessment Workshop
    · Personal Action Planning: Delegates write a personal action plan detailing what they can personally do to improve customer performance and customer focus, what their department can do, and what will they suggest to top management do increase customer performance and focus

    Program Leader 培训导师

    Sampson Lee (China, 中国)

      Sampson Lee is the President and Founder of GreaterChinaCRM. Sampson is a well-experienced sales & marketing professional, and held senior management positions across various sectors and industries, including telecommunications, information & technology in Hong Kong and China. His first book '1-minute Internet' was published by SCMP Group in 2000. He is now working on his second publication 'Greater China CRM'. He is the visiting lecturer of Hong Kong and Mainland China educational institutions and universities. He was graduated with a Business Administration degree, majoring in Economics from the Hong Kong Baptist University. Sampson sits on the Guru Panel of www.crmguru.com - World Largest CRM Community.

      李翊玮先生是GreaterChinaCRM 的创办人和总裁。李翊玮先生拥有丰富及专业的销售及市场经验,服务行业包括香港和中国的电讯及信息科技,第一本书"一分钟互联网"已由SCMP 集团于2000 年出版。现在他正致力于第二本书"大中华地区CRM"的出版。他是香港和中国大陆各大教育机构及大学的客座讲者。李氏毕业于香港浸会大学工商管理学院,主修经济。李翊玮先生是世界上最大的CRM 社团- - www.crmguru.com 的成员。

    About 3C Method

      The 3C Method (China Customer Care), a CRM Methodology especially tailored for China is being jointly developed by the GreaterChinaCRM, a China based organization focus on delivering world class CRM knowledge to local enterprises and The Customer Marketing Institute (CMI), based in Amsterdam, Europe. "The 3C Method" is based on the backbones of Customer Marketing Method but refined to match China's unique business environment, culture, language and customs. 4 deliverables of the "The 3C Method" include consulting tools; training materials; software and a book. It will take 1 year to perfect the method will officially launch into the market by end 2003. At the initial stage, GreaterChinaCRM will carry out local pilot projects.


      一个特别为大中华地区研制的客户关系管理方法论"3C 方法" (China Customer Care) 已正式由"GreaterChinaCRM" -- 一个立基于上海专注于为中国企业传递"世界级CRM 知识" 的机构及总部位于欧洲荷兰的机构"客户营销机构" (CMI) 共同携手开发。"3C 方法" 以"客户营销方法" 为基础,汲取西方实践精华并加入国内独特商业模式,使之适合中国的经商环境、文化、语言和规范等。GreaterChinaCRM 将用一年的时间将此方法发展成最贴近中国实践的CRM 理论。"3C 方法" 4 大产品组件包括:咨询工具、培训资料、软件及书籍。在开发初期,GreaterChinaCRM 将在中国的一些企业中为该方法做试点。在2003 年下半年度,"3C 方法" 将正式投入市场。

    About Customer Marketing Institute

      With USD1.6 million funding by the European Community in 1997, Customer Marketing Institute has refined its "Customer Marketing Methodology", a structured methodology which helps companies to implement and profit from CRM without increasing marketing and sales budgets. It uses process control techniques to measure, manage and improve customer performance and customer focus in order to retain and to maximize customer lifetime value. Being developed as a comprehensive and easy to learn methodology, it is driven by the key concept of the "Customer Pyramid" and a simple ten-step action plan. It has been proven in practice at hundreds of companies including business units of Xerox, DHL, Kimberly-Clark, ING Bank, Philips, Merck, Apple Computer, IBM and Volkswagen. Being a highly praised CRM methodology among western countries, books on Customer Marketing have been published in the USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Japan. A Chinese publication is in the market.


      在欧洲共同体于1997 年的160 万美元基金赞助下,客户营销机构(CMI) 开发出了"客户营销方法"。"客户营销方法"是一套帮助企业在不增加营销及销售预算的情况下实施CRM 并获利的系统的方法。它采用流程控制技术衡量、管理和改善客户表现及客户关注,达到维持和最大化客户生命期价值的目的。它以"客户金字塔" 及一个简单的行动计划为核心,使这个全面的方法具体化及更易于了解和实践。"客户营销方法" 如今已在上百家企业中实施,并被证明为有效可行的CRM 方法,它们包括:Xerox, DHL, Kimberly-Clark, ING Bank, 菲利浦, Merck, 苹果电脑, IBM 及Volkswagen。基于市场良好反应,该套方法已以书籍形式在美国、英国、法国、荷兰、意大利、德国、西班牙、葡萄牙以及日本等国家发行。中国版本亦已发行出版。

    About GreaterChinaCRM

      Founded in 2001, GreaterChinaCRM is the only CRM organization focus on providing "World Class CRM Knowledge" in Greater China. We deliver "World Class CRM Knowledge" via portal, training and methodology. GreaterChinaCRM.org - Target at CEO and management level, GreaterChinaCRM.org is the only bilingual (Chinese & English) CRM portal in the world, and the No.1 CRM portal in China with 25,000+ members. GreaterChinaCRM Consulting Associates - Formed by 14 well-know international CRM elites from United States, Europe and Asia, we provide "World Class CRM Training" to enterprises in China. Our value propositions are proven track record, vendor-neutral, and industry-specific. GreaterChinaCRM Research Institute - We render independent and leading reports, researches and studies on CRM in China, including "Best CRM Practice in China" and "China CRM Solution Guide", etc.


      "GreaterChinaCRM"于2001 年创办成立, 是大中华区首个专注于CRM 资讯的组织。由三个机构组成:"大中华客户关系管理组织"--- 世界唯一的双语CRM 专业网站;"大中华客户关系管理咨询合伙人"---由来自全球的、中立于供应商的CRM 专家组成,为中国企业提供世界级水准的培训;以及"大中华客户关系管理研究所"---在大中华区内进行CRM 案例研究以及发布调查报告。

    The 3C Method Certified* Training Program Enrolment Form 登记表格


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